An african thunderstorm essay question?

, a lit Charts expert can help. David Rubadiri‘s “An African Thunderstorm” describes an intense storm that sweeps through an African village, as well as the way villagers scramble to prepare for its approach.

PLAY. An African thunderstorm is a third person persona, a God complex. An African thunderstorm is a poem that deals with the theme man versus nature and it is centered in a village in Africa. The poem is about a harsh impending storm that is coming to strike the village.

Who wrote the poem an African thunderstorm?

An African Thunderstorm was written by David Rubadiri stanza one is describing the storm stanza two is describing the storm’s effects on the villagers setting An african village personification in the poem.

This of course begs the query “What is the mood of an African thunderstorm?”

“The wind whistles by whilst trees bend to let it pass” An African Thunderstorm Mood: Chaotic, Tone: Somber Themes: Nature, Man vs Nature, .

David Rubadiri’s “An African Thunderstorm” describes an intense storm that sweeps through an African village, as well as the way villagers scramble to prepare for its approach.

Compare the different reactions of the children and the adults in the village to the approaching storm. The children are excited and delighted at the imminent storm, while the adults rush about fearfully trying to prepare defences against the storm.

What is the theme of an African thunderstorm by William Wordsworth?

An African thunderstorm is a poem that deals with the theme man versus nature and it is centered in a village in Africa. The poem is about a harsh impending storm that is coming to strike the village. The children scream in delight and due their innocence are completely unaware of the dangers of the storm whereas their mothers.

In the poem, we see the threat of an incoming thunderstorm to an African village. The power of this storm is emphasized with the statement that the wind forces the trees to bend as it whistles by. The theme of the poem is nature, or man vs nature, and the mood is one of impending doom and terror.

What is the message of the poem The storm?

The poem tells of a storm violent storm moving, this storm makes its way towards an African village causing havoc has it moves toward and through the village having the trees themselves bending over the strength of the winds.

“clouds came hurrying with the wind” – showing how fast the wind is moving as a person moves if they are late Repetition for An African Thunderstorm “trees bend to let it pass” emphasizes on how powerful the wind was that even nature itself bowed to it Simile for An African Thunderstorm.

What is the Mear mass and force of the storm depicted?

Like sinister dark wings;” this line again bringing the ominous feeling, like a bird of prey waiting, looking for its target. The mear mass and force of this storm as it travels is depicted through the last line of the stanza”The wind whistles by And trees bend to let it pass.”.