
The "Professor" represents our team of researchers and writers. Both adults and kids have tons of questions about our planet. Our job is to answer them!

How tornado occur?

Tornadoes occur in many places around the world, but North America is the continent where they occur most often. The most violent tornadoes are rarely seen anywhere but the USA, Canada and Bangladesh. ‘Tornado Alley’, a region of Central USA, is particularly prone to violent tornado outbreaks and is susceptible to large, long-lived tornadoes. A …

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Can tornado be predicted?

Yes, but only to a limited extent. Although the process by which tornadoes form is not completely understood, scientific research has revealed that tornadoes usually form under certain types of atmospheric conditions. When forecasters see those conditions, they can predict that tornadoes are likely to occur. So, can we get better at predicting tornadoes? We …

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Are tornadoes rare in california?

Tornadoes rarely occur in California because of the state’s dry climate and low thunderstorm rate. According to the Tornado Project, California experienced approximately 300 tornadoes between 1950 and 2014. Californian tornadoes are generally small, weak and occur in California’s Central Valley. California tornadoes are most common in wide open spaces in the state’s Central Valley, …

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