Can cloud seeding make it rain?

Yes, Governments and Private Companies can make it rain by adding tiny particles called ice nuclei along with silver iodide to clouds that are initially identified and are apt to produce precipitation with the help of Cloud seeding.

It creates rain. One big benefit of cloud seeding is being able to create rain in regions that are most affected by droughts, lessening the impact of the harsh climate. By using the technique, farms can yield more crops due to the fact that farmers will be able to grow plants in areas that might not have supported them in the past.

Does cloud seeding really help bring rains?

“The research shows that cloud seeding can enhance certain types of rainfall up to 10 percent when it is already going to rain, ” said Accu. Weather Founder and CEO Dr. Joel N. Myers. “If there are no clouds, you are not going to get any rain.

Just like geoengineering, weather modification in form of cloud seeding as an instrument of modernistic technology is very real, as are the somewhat climatic (or to some degree even materialistic) threats posed by its ineffectual handling.

You should be thinking “Does seeding clouds with silver iodide really make it rain?”

Some authors claimed this image explaining cloud seeding shows a substance – either silver iodide or dry ice – being dumped onto the cloud, which then becomes a rain shower. The process shown in the upper-right is what is happening in the cloud and the process of condensation upon the introduced material.

What is cloud seeding and why does it produce rain?

Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that improves a cloud’s ability to produce rain or snow by artificially adding condensation nuclei to the atmosphere, providing a base for for snowflakes or raindrops to form. After cloud seeding takes place, precipitation falls from the clouds back to the surface of the Earth.

The concept of cloud seeding has been around since the 1940s, when Bernard Vonnegut discovered that silver iodide could produce ice crystals when introduced into cloud chambers. In those days, cloud seeding was heralded as a way to produce rain where there was none, boosting crop yields and filling reservoirs to the brim.

What are the negative effects of cloud seeding?

Risks or concerns like unwanted ecological changes, ozone depletion, continued ocean acidification, erratic changes in rainfall patterns, rapid warming if seeding were to be stopped abruptly, airplane effects, to name a few, may just not be bad enough to override the imperative to keep.

How do clouds make rain?

Fill the jar almost to the top with water. Cover the top with a “cloud” of shaving cream. Let your child drop food coloring into the cloud until the color starts “raining” into the water below. Explain that this is how rain works too.

Yes, but can be prove in lab setting yes, but in real world application is no. Therefore in capitalist society it would very hard justify money to this type programs. I would also say doing in desert situation would be foolish because there other factors causing lack rain.