Why do clouds have different appearances?

Clouds differ in appearance because they are formed from various water sources and are merely condensed moisture. Some clouds include more dust particles and other lithomitesors than others . The height at which they originate also has an impact on the clouds.

Clouds look different because they are created from different water sources and are simply condensed moisture. Some clouds have more dust particles and other lithometeors. The altitude at which they form has an effect on the clouds.

Why are clouds sometimes smooth and sometimes bumpy?

Because of all the rising air coming up, these clouds can be bumpy on the top, sometimes producing very high thick clouds looking like cotton wool or cauliflower heads. When air rises very slowly and gently over an area and reaches the condensation level you get a cloud that is very smooth looking, like this:.

Why do clouds have different colors?

There are a few reasons why clouds change colors . First, the composition of a cloud changes as it moves through different atmospheric conditions. Clouds are made up of water vapor, which is temperature-dependent. Clouds may also change color when they interact with the sun’s light and reflect different wavelengths (colors) back into space.

Yet another query we ran across in our research was “What determines the color of a cloud?”.

A: The color of a cloud depends primarily on the thickness of the cloud, says Brent Mc. Roberts of Texas A&M University. “As sunlight passes through a cloud, tiny water droplets that make up the cloud scatter all colors of the light in the same manner, producing a white color.

If you’ve ever spotted clouds high up in the sky with colors reminiscent of the film on a soap bubble or of oil film on puddles, then you’ve Sun Dogs. Sun dogs offer another opportunity to see fragments of rainbow in the sky. Circumhorizontal arcs, or nacreous clouds as well usefull too.

So, why are clouds white, and why is the sky blue?

These droplets scatter all colors almost equally, meaning that the sunlight continues to remain white. This is why clouds appear white against the background of a blue sky. These same principles apply to vapor-filled “clouds” created by contrails.

Rainbows form when the following conditions come together: The sun is behind the observer’s position and is no more than 42° above the horizon. It’s raining in front of the observer. Water droplets are floating in the air (this is why we see rainbows right after it rains)The sky is clear enough of clouds for the rainbow to be seen.

Why do clouds appear darker as they get thicker?

As the cloud gets thicker, less light can pass through to the base of the cloud and it appears darker. Where you are when you’re looking at a cloud can also affect what color it will appear to you.

Why do clouds look dark before rain?

Clouds appears black :. In th atmosphere any object’s colour is dependent on the ability to reflect wavelengths of light. When an object does not reflect any colour, it appears black. Thayswhy tiny droplets of water in rain clouds: Scatter the white light of the sun. Red is scattered first, and violet the last. At high altitude no rays of the sun reach the bottom of the cloud., and more items.

A: Very dark looking or black clouds are probably those that contain a lot of rain in them and part of a thunderstorm, Mc, and roberts adds. “In general, the severity of a storm is related to cloud height, which is why dark clouds are usually an indicator of bad weather .

How are clouds formed?

Let us first see how a cloud is formed . Clouds form when the air is saturated and cannot hold any more water vapour, this can happen in two ways: The amount of water in the air has increased – for example through evaporation – to the point that the air cannot hold any more water.

While I was researching we ran into the question “What is the shape of cloud?”.

A cloud is made up of water drops or ice floating in the sky. The shape of cloud depends on its height and temperature. Some clouds are like mushroom and they are formed when rising warm air which cools as it goes up. The shape of cloud also depends on the time of the day.

How does the angle of the sun affect cloud cover?

This is because the angle of the sun means light must travel a farther distance from the top of the cloud to the base of the cloud. Clouds composed of bigger droplets tend to absorb more sunlight than those with smaller droplets.