Yes, frozen clouds can exist. But only at unimaginable pressure. The pressure should be much more than at the bottom of the Earth’s oceans, definitely not survivable by humans or spacecraft.
Can clouds float if frozen?
I think clouds can float if they are frozen I know this is very farfetched but what if only the outer layer of the cloud was frozen and all the gases in it keep it afloat. Even if this is right it wouldn’t be able to support the weight of the ship and base as it does in the movie. Show activity on this post.
Do clouds freeze at high altitude?
Some clouds do freeze! Most clouds at higher altitudes are made of ice crystals. They are a mix of water vapour and tiny frozen crystals. There is a process known as supercooling. Basically, if the water is clean and pure, it can be cooled well below freezing point while still keeping it in a liquid state.
Do clouds exist in the winter?
Clouds have no problem existing in the cold of winter, because they can just exist as ice crystals. In fact, even in the summer some of the clouds you see are composed of ice crystals. A lot of the rain drops we experience in the summer started their existence high in the sky as snowflakes but melted before reaching us.
Are clouds made of ice crystals?
Clouds can also be composed of ice crystals. In fact, the same cloud can be partly composed of water drops and partly composed of ice crystals. Clouds have no problem existing in the cold of winter, because they can just exist as ice crystals. In fact, even in the summer some of the clouds you see are composed of ice crystals.
Are clouds always drops of liquid water?
Secondly, clouds are not always drops of liquid water. Clouds can also be composed of ice crystals. In fact, the same cloud can be partly composed of water drops and partly composed of ice crystals. Clouds have no problem existing in the cold of winter, because they can just exist as ice crystals.
Does clouds use energy?
Fortunately, while the cloud does consume significant electricity and, as a result, produce a small chunk of the world’s emissions, it can also be more energy efficient than on-site IT and data storage. How much power does AWS use?
How is the energy stored? Is it dynamically generated? Chris – The answer is we don’t 100% know. Clouds are made of billions of tiny particles, ice crystals. They’re called hydrometeors and these particles rub against each other in the cloud because the clouds are full of big currents of air.
What is the role of clouds in the atmosphere?
In addition to the warming effect of clear air, clouds in the atmosphere help to moderate the Earth’s tempera- ture. The balance of the opposing cloud albedo and cloud greenhouse forcings determines whether a certain cloud type will add to the air’s natural warming of the Earth’s surface or produce a cooling effect.
When I was reading we ran into the inquiry “How do low clouds help to cool the Earth?”.
Thus, high clouds will cause a warming of the Earth’s surface. Low clouds are excellent reflectors. But, they don’t stop the longwave energy from escaping to space. Therefore, low clouds help to cool the Earth.
Another thing we asked ourselves was; how do high clouds affect the Earth’s climate?
This means that they radiate less energy into space than the lower, warmer clouds. Therefore, high clouds work to “trap” more energy than the low clouds. High clouds are not good at reflecting shortwaves. But, they are very good at blocking longwaves. This also traps heat. Thus, high clouds will cause a warming of the Earth’s surface.