Clouds, explained
Recipe for a cloud. The building blocks of clouds are water and particles —of dust, dirt, or sea salt—known as cloud condensation nuclei., and cloud atlas. Clouds generally form within the troposphere, or the layer of atmosphere closest to the earth. A few more things to keep in mind are top ten, and clouds beyond.
Another common query is “Where are clouds most likely to form?”.
Temperature of water. -On the Northern California coast, the temperature of H2O (WATER) is cold. Amount of Sunlight. -Without sunlight plants can’t grow. Amount of Salinity. -Affects marine life. -Differs physically from sea water, in diverse important features., and wave action.
What are clouds and how do they form?
Waterspouts are in some ways like the tornadoes that form over land. But where tornadoes are associated with huge supercell thunderstorms, waterspouts can form during smaller storms or even just showers or the presence of the right kind of clouds. Read more: Tornadoes in Australia? They’re more common than you think How do waterspouts form?
You should be wondering “What three processes occurs to form clouds?”
Warm air rises and cools. The relative humidity of the air increases. Air eventually becomes saturated. Water vapor condenses on smoke, dust, salt, and other small particals. Millions of tiny water drops of liquid water collect to form a cloud.
What are facts about clouds?
A cloud is a large group of tiny water droplets that we can see in the air. Clouds are formed when water on Earth evaporates into the sky and condenses high up in the cooler air. Rain, snow, sleet and hail falling from clouds is called precipitation. , and more items.
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