Tsunamis are ocean waves triggered by:
Large earthquakes that occur near or under the ocean
Volcanic eruptions
Submarine landslides
Onshore landslides in which large volumes of debris fall into the water.
The most recorded tsunamis have been found to occur in the Pacific Ocean. It involves heavy oceanic plates that slip underneath lighter continental plates. When these plates are broken, the sea floor tends to move both up and down.
Speaking to the BBC Politics Wales programme, Dr Giri Shankar from Public Health Wales said: “We appear to be a week or two behind what London, most parts of England, and Scotland are seeing. “We need to make that work to our advantage because the higher the cover with booster vaccination the better.”.
Another popular question is “Where would a tsunami be most likely to occur?”.
Tsunamis occur most often in the Pacific Ocean and Indonesia because the Pacific Rim bordering the Ocean has a large number of active submarine earthquake zones. However, tsunamis have also occurred recently in the Mediterranean Sea region and are expected in the Caribbean Sea as well.
Where in the US would a tsunami most likely occur?
Tsunamis are most commonly formed from undersea earthquakes that result in a sudden rise or fall of the Earth’s crust under the ocean. The boundary region of the Pacific Ocean, known as the Ring of Fire, that includes the coasts of California, the Philippines, East Asia and East South America, are the most susceptible to tsunamis.
How dangerous are tsunamis?
Earthquakes of similar magnitude can cause tsunamis of greatly varying sizes. This commonly observed, but not well-understood phenomenon has hindered reliable warnings of local tsunamis. Research led by University of Hawai‘i (UH) at Manoa scientists.
Lightning, while beautiful to look at, can be deadly and occurs every day in various parts of the world.