Since the 1970s, the Sahel has experienced drought conditions on a regular basis. This is down to physical and human factors: Overgrazing and deforestation on marginal land can lead to desertification. With less vegetation there is less transpiration and evaporation from the soil, causing less rainfall.
, social impacts Subsistence farmers’ crops fail and livestock dies. Commercial farms growing cash crops such as cotton lose income, which may cause unemployment. With less food being grown and an increase in demand, food prices increase. Increased soil erosion makes the land less fertile, creating a long-term issue for the farming community., and more items.
Desertification is taking place in the Sahel partly because of the low annual rainfall but mostly because of effects off human activities such as overgrazing. Animals are left to graze on a specific part off the land removing most of the vegetation and leaving the soil exposed and susceptible to erosion.
How drought affects agriculture?
Temporal Impacts
Increasing drought will affect staple crops, and therefore the availability of local food. Coffee production in the region may be disrupted due to less optimal climate conditions and an increase in pests ( Gould et al, 2015 ). Overuse of groundwater for irrigation could lead to more salt-water intrusion into important aquifers.
How do droughts affect agriculture?
Here are just a few different examples of economic impacts:
Farmers may lose money if a drought destroys their crops. If a farmer’s water supply is too low, the farmer may have to spend more money on irrigation or to drill new wells. Ranchers may have to spend more money on feed and water for their animals., and more items.
One source stated the Effects of Drought on Farmers. Effects of Drought on Crops. Prolonged reduction of ground-water supplies can have a devastating effect on a farmer’s crop yields. Some extra ideas to keep in mind: effect on farming strategies, fire and other hazards, and effects of drought on livestock.
Before planting your first plant, consider the drought tolerant vegetables specifically bred for drought resistance, as well as those that thrive in hot, arid climates. A couple extra things to examine are group similar vegetables, watering drought tolerant vegetables, or drought-resistant soil.
You may be thinking “What are the economic impacts of a drought?”
Examples of economic impacts include farmers who lose money because drought destroyed their crops or ranchers who may have to spend more money to feed and water their animals. Economic impacts can be both direct, such as decreases in dairy production, and indirect, as seen by increases in the price of cheese.
How does overgrazing affect Sahel?
Cropping and overgrazing), reduced and erratic rainfall, lack of coherent environmental policies and misplaced development priorities, have contributed to transform a large proportion of the Sahel into barren land, resulting in the deterioration of the soil and water resources.