Why lightning strikes trees?

WHY LIGHTNING STRIKES TREES Because lightning tends to hit tall objects, trees are likely targets. They’re especially prone to lightning strikes because electricity seeks the path of least resistance, and the sap and moisture inside a tree make it a better conductor than the surrounding air.

This is what I found. because of the fatty content of the wood, their smooth bark, and their many fine twigs and buds, beech trees are good conductors of electricity. Therefore a bolt of lightning is usually carried down into the ground harmlessly.

Trees attract lightning because they provide a path for lightning to travel from the storm cloud to the earth. Lightning most often strikes oak, elm, pine, tulip, cottonwood, ash, maple, sycamore, hemlock and spruce trees. How do you save an oak tree struck by lightning?

Why would a tree get struck by lighting?

WHY LIGHTNING STRIKES TREES. Because lightning tends to hit tall objects, trees are likely targets. They’re especially prone to lightning strikes because electricity seeks the path of least resistance, and the sap and moisture inside a tree make it a better conductor than the surrounding air.

A few extra things to investigate: with emergency tree services, get all broken branches removed & the tree pruned, and always prepare your trees for storms.

A person struck directly by lightning becomes a part of the main lightning discharge channel. A side flash (also called a side splash) occurs when lightning strikes a taller object near the victim and a portion of the current jumps from taller object Ground Current. Streamers, or conduction in addition are a few more things to take a look at.

What condition causes purple lower legs?

Red, brown or purple skin. Irritated or inflamed skin. Painful, leathery, hard skin. Dry, scaly or crusty skin that may ooze fluid. Skin ulcers or open sores. Cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin, can occur.