However I can venture into a guess for you: Hearing thunder is a warning of lightning and rain, i., and e. Bad weather conditions that can de dangerous. If the sun is out then it seems like nice weather and all is safe. If one was to hear thunder while the sun was out then it would suggest that danger is looming no matter how safe it may seem now.
Well, the simple answer to that is yes. It is going to sound very surprising to some. But rain can fall under various circumstances even without the formation of clouds.
Another frequently asked inquiry is “Can you hear a thunderstorm without seeing any clouds?”.
The approach of a thunderstorm is unmistakable —sometimes you even hear the crack of thunder before you see any clouds. But that isn’t always the case. Is it possible to have lightning without hearing any thunder?
Can it rain without any clouds?
As you will found out shortly, there is no real occurrence of rain without any clouds. We simply don’t see them by the time we experience the rainfall. Sunshowers are often associated with rainbows, especially if the sun is close to the horizon.
But, cloud to cloud lightening you can see from a very strong Cumulonimbus formation on the horizon with no clouds around your location. Originally Answered: How can lightning form from a cloudless sky?
Can it thunder without rain?
A dry thunderstorm is one that produces little or no rain. While it might seem like a contradiction in terms to have a thunderstorm without precipitation, it’s actually quite common in areas of the western United States where the heat index can be very high, particularly in late spring and early summer months with low humidity.
Can you have Thunder and lightning without rain?
Thunder and lightning do not require rain. This could either be a thunderstorm that is not directly over you (maybe up to 45 miles away) or whats called a dry thunderstorm, where it will thunder, and there will be lightning, but the rain produced by the storm will evaporate well before it hits the ground.
Why are there Thunders Without Rain?
Why do some rain storms have thunder/lightning while others do not. Why Dry Thunderstorms Are a Danger. Why do thunder, lightning and rain tend to happen at the same time, and more items.
While it might seem like a contradiction in terms to have a thunderstorm without precipitation, it’s actually quite common in areas of the western United States where the heat index can be very high, particularly in late spring and early summer months with low humidity.
If you’ve seen lightning but not heard the accompanying thunder, it doesn’t mean that it wasn’t there, it just means it was too far away. This often occurs in summer. Met Office meteorologist Nicola Maxey explained: “It’s not an unusual phenomenon.
What causes thunderstorms to occur?
Thunder is created when lightning passes through the air. The lightning discharge heats the air rapidly and causes it to expand. The temperature of the air in the lightning channel may reach as high as 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun.
How far does Thunder travel from its source?
First, sound travels from its source like a ripple in a pond when you throw a rock. As you get farther from the source, the ripple will eventually disappear. Ten miles is typically the maximum distance thunder will travel, though greater distances are possible.
What does the sound of Thunder mean to you?
The sound of thunder should serve as a warning to anyone outside that they are within striking distance of the storm and need to get to a safe place immediately! Thunder is created when lightning passes through the air.
The next thing we asked ourselves was why do we hear thunder when lightning strikes?
This rapid expansion and contraction creates the sound wave that we hear as thunder. Although a lightning discharge usually strikes just one spot on the ground, it travels many miles through the air. When you listen to thunder, you’ll first hear the thunder created by that portion of the lightning channel that is nearest you.