
Why do thunderstorms give me a headache?

Weather or barometric pressure changes: 73%Intense odors: 64%Bright or flickering lights: 59%Smoke: 53%Extreme heat or cold: 38%Altitude changes: 31%High winds: 18%. You see, brontophilia – You love thunderstorms, and they improve your mood and take your mind off of whatever usually makes you feel bad. Racing thoughts – It’s harder to concentrate on your racing …

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Can thunderstorms cause earthquakes?

Thunderstorms, lightning, cyclones, and earthquakes are few natural phenomena that can cause a large-scale destruction of life and property. We can predict them to a certain extent but not perfectly. Meteorological tsunamis, or meteotsunamis, are caused by weather events such as squalls, tornadoes, thunderstorms, frontal systems – generally, anything that causes an abrupt change in …

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