Fog that is said to “ burn off” in the morning sun is radiation fog. Advection fog forms when warm, moist air passes over a cool surface. This process is called advection, a scientific name describing the movement of fluid.
So, what causes the fog to burn off?
This is sometimes referred to as the fog “burning off” but that analogy is not correct. When the sun rises, the air and ground warm up. This leads to the air temperature being warmer than the dew point temperature, which causes the fog droplets to evaporate.
What happens to fog when the sun rises?
When the sun rises, the air and ground warm up. This leads to the air temperature being warmer than the dew point temperature, which causes the fog droplets to evaporate. What many people refer to as “burning off” is simply the process of evaporation as the air temperature rises above the dew point temperature.
What is a fog?
A fog is just a cloud at the ground. Fog formation can occur in two ways. First, the air is cooled to the dew point which leads to the formation of fog droplets. When the air temperature is the same as the dew point temperature, condensation occurs on tiny particles floating in the air.
Sometimes people use the term “ ground fog ” to refer to radiation fog. Ground fog does not reach as high as any of the clouds overhead. It usually forms at night. Fog that is said to “burn off” in the morning sun is radiation fog. Advection fog forms when warm, moist air passes over a cool surface.
Do fog machines set off fire alarms?
Thus knowing if a fog or smoke machine will set off a fire alarm or smoke detector is often difficult. As a general rule, a fog machine will trigger fire alarms as most systems detect particles and not heat. Fogs, smokes, and haze will set off the alarm of such smoke detectors .
Unfortunately, there’s no clear cut answer to this as it will all depend on the type of smoke alarm you have and the fog machine you’re using. Most smoke alarms will not detect the fog as smoke and therefore won’t go off, but for homes with an optical sensing smoke alarm, it definitely will.
Will fog machines trigger fire alarm?
As a general rule, a fog machine will trigger fire alarms as most systems detect particles and not heat. Fogs, smokes, and haze will set off the alarm of such smoke detectors. The only way not to set off the alarm is to use a low-lying fog machine or change the detectors into heat sensors.
Some have found that yep, fog machines will set of almost every type of detector there is, ecxept for the sprinkler ones, they use heat to set off. Since i am a dj, well sort anyway, i use a hazer, which is alot different to a fog machine, and doesn’t set off ny smoke detectors, apart from the optical ones, which are rare anyways Yes, they do set off smoke detectors.