Does lightning exist in space?

A lightning bolt occurs in space as well. Both planets as well as molecules as other forms of physics occur in space due to the cloud phenomenon. During this type of activity, the blue jet is approximately 30 miles deep into the sky.

Space is where lightning strikes. It occurs both in the clouds of planets, as well as molecules in ttery cloud in space as well from other phenomena in space .

Yes, lightning occurs in space. It occurs in the clouds of planets and in molecular clouds in space as well from other phenomena in space. These colorful flashes are called blue jets and they can stretch 30 miles into the stratosphere.

Not in ‘Deep Space’ as it’s commonly viewed, which is basically a whole lot of nothing. Lightning is effectively a large discharge of static electricity. With nothing around, there’s nothing to build up a charge. Which is by no means to suggest Earth is the only place with large static discharges.

This idea is not new: More than 20 years ago, physicist Alex Gurevich at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow suggested lightning might be initiated by cosmic rays from outer space. These particles strike Earth with gargantuan amounts of energy surpassing anything the most powerful atom smashers on the planet are capable of.

Another popular question is “Does Lightning take up space?”.

Here is what I researched. the Empire State Building was once used as a lightning laboratory because it is hit nearly 25 times per year, and has been known to have been hit up to a dozen times during a single storm. Myth #2 – Lightning only strikes the tallest objects. Fact: Lightning is indiscriminate and it can find you anywhere. Lightning may hit the ground instead.

What its like to be struck by lightning?

In popular culture, to be hit by a bolt of lightning is to suffer extremely bad luck. Rain, snow, and hail are largely indiscriminate: within a certain radius, everything is drenched, blanketed, or pelted. A cloud-to-ground lightning bolt is different. It blazes a discrete path through the sky. It appears to have choice.

Signs of an Immediate Strike. Hair standing on end. Tingling skinA metallic taste in your mouth. The smell of chlorine (this is ozone, which is produced when nitrogen oxides from lightning interact with other chemicals and sunlight)Sweaty palmsA vibrating, buzzing, or crackling sound coming from metal objects around you.

One more inquiry we ran across in our research was “What does Lightning taste and smell like?”.

“It smelled like something inorganic burning, like wires or plastic.” Others have compared the odor to chlorine, cleaning supplies or, unsurprisingly, electrical sparks. Odds are, you’ve smelled.

Does lightning always looking for the highest point?

When that leader of negative charges nears the ground, it attracts a positive leader to reach up from the ground to meet it. The negative streamers are always looking for the highest positive point – which is why lightning will strike a tree in an open field.