Thunder Wave is an Electric -type status move that paralyses the target. It is TM73 and can be found in Thundrome Pass. Thunder Wave paralyzes the target. When a pokemon has the ability Limber or the pokemon is an electric-type it can no longer be paralyzed. The user launches a weak jolt of electricity that paralyzes the target.
Effects Thunder Wave paralyzes the opponent. Paralyzed Pokémon have a 25% chance of not being able to attack, and their Speed is decreased by 50% (75% in Generations 1-6). Electric type Pokémon, those with the ability Limber or those behind a Substitute cannot be paralyzed.
You might be asking “Can Thunder wave be affected by normalize?”
This will take type changes into account, such as if Thunder Wave is affected by Normalize (which would make Ghost-type Pokémon immune to it ). In the Generation I handheld games only, Thunder Wave can affect a target behind a substitute .
What type is Thunder Thunder wave?
Thunder Wave is an Electric-type move introduced in Generation I that many Electric-type Pokémon can learn. It paralyzes the opponent with a jolt of electricity. Its type for Pokémon contest is Cool.
Another frequent inquiry is “Does Thunder wave affect ground type Pokemon?”.
Thunder Wave takes types into consideration, so it cannot usually affect Ground-type Pokémon. This will take type changes into account, such as if Thunder Wave is affected by Normalize (which would make Ghost-type Pokémon immune to it).
One inquiry we ran across in our research was “What does thunderwave do Pokemon?”.
Thunder Wave is an Electric – type move introduced in Generation I that many Electric-type Pokémon can learn. It paralyzes the opponent with a jolt of electricity.
Thunder Wave is the only status move that takes type immunities into account, as all other status moves ignore type immunities. This also makes it the only status move that is incapable of hitting a certain type of Pokémon (not taking into account Abilities or other factors other than typing).
Can Electric type Pokemon be paralyzed?
Electric type Pokémon, those with the ability Limber or those behind a Substitute cannot be paralyzed. When a Pokémon is holding Electrium Z and uses its Z-Power, Thunder Wave turns into Z-Thunder Wave and raises Special Defense one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above.