Thunder is the sound caused by lightning. When a lightning bolt strikes, the air immediately around it is superheated by the pressure and temperature of the electricity. This heated air rapidly expands and creates a sonic shock wave similar to a bomb explosion or when a jet breaks the sound barrier.
Daigneault’s relationship with Sam Presti. Daigneault went into detail today discussing the relationship he has with Thunder general manager Sam Presti and how they talk every day about the team. Tre Mann’s thoughts on crossover. Mann on the G League being a cheat code.
The sudden heating causes the air to expand as the flash passes trough the atmosphere and immediate cooling contracts the air again. Quick expansion and contraction of air around lightning starts air molecules moving back and forth, creating sound waves. As this is happening extremely fast we will hear the ‘clap‘ of a thunder.
This begs the question “Why do storms make so much noise?”
Here is what I learned. cT is much faster than MRI, making it the study of choice in cases of trauma and other acute neurological emergencies. CT can be obtained at considerably less cost than MRI and is sufficient to exclude many neurological disorders. CT is less sensitive to patient motion during the examination., and more items.
When CLOUD-to-GROUND lightning hits close by … it’s oriented in the vertical so the sound gets to you almost instantaneously … so there’s no rumble. What causes the phonomon of the constant rumbling of thunder? Typically cloud to cloud lightning. The path of the lightning can extend for miles.
Why does thunder rumble?
Thunder is caused by the rapid expansion of super-heated air as electrical spark passes through. What causes the long (ie some several seconds) of rumbling when no lightning is visible even at night during tropical downpours? Flag as Electrical sparks still pass through the cloud above its dense mass. Only some of the charge hits the ground.
Why does Thunder Rumble in the sky?
Lightning heats air to more than 20,000°C, much hotter than the surface of the sun is. The sudden heating causes the air to expand as the flash passes trough the atmosphere and immediate cooling contracts the air again.
Thunder never just goes “Boom!” and then stops, rather one hears a loud clap followed by several seconds of rumble. Why does thunder rumble? Lightning heats air to more than 20,000°C, much hotter than the surface of the sun is.
What is the real cause of Thunder?
War Thunder is a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment. This heat map shows where user-submitted problem reports are concentrated over the past 24 hours. It is common for some problems to be reported throughout the day. Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is significantly.
How thunder caused?
Thunder is caused by lightning, which is essentially a stream of electrons flowing between or within clouds, or between a cloud and the ground. The air surrounding the electron stream is heated to as hot as 50,000 degrees Farhenheit, which is three times hotter than the surface of the sun.
What are the consequences of Thunder?
The shock wave in thunder is sufficient to cause property damage and injury, such as internal contusion, to individuals nearby. Thunder can rupture the eardrums of people nearby, leading to permanently impaired hearing . Even if not, it can lead to temporary deafness.
Why do I hear thunder but see no lightning?
For example: Sheet lightning – cloud-to-cloud when the viewer sees brightening of the surface of a cloud not the actual lightning flash. Forked lightning – cloud-to-ground that has branches. Ribbon lightning – high cross winds blow each successive return stroke slightly to one side of the previous return stroke, causing a ribbon effect.
Another thing we wanted the answer to was, why do you hear thunder but do not see lightning?
Thunder is a direct reaction to lightning, but because sound travels slower than light, we see the lightning before we hear the thunder., and technically no. Thunder is the sudden increase in pressure and temperature from lightning that produces rapid expansion of the air within and surrounding the path of a lightning strike.
Can Thunder itself cause damage on the ground?
However, a blast wave can do considerable damage to nearby objects and living things while thunder rarely causes much physical damage. Research shows that a modest 30,000 amp lightning discharge can generate over-pressure of 147 to 294 PSI within a few centimeters from the lightning channel, dropping inversely with distance.
When we were researching we ran into the inquiry “How much damage does thunder do?”.
The Thunder is especially effective against heavy robots due to their large hit area, which allows more of the shell fragments to hit. Even at low levels, the Thunder is a force to be reckoned with, but when upgraded to higher levels it can do appreciable damage from even 300 meters. With a fire rate of 1 RPS and the ability to reload while.